Guillaume Ansart
Professor, French and Italian
- gansart@iu.edu
- (812) 855-9608
- GA 3137
Research Interests
18th-century literature and culture; the novel and political theory
Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
18th-century literature and culture; the novel and political theory
Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
20th- and 21st-century popular culture; game studies; military studies; Baroque and early modern literature in Italy
Chair and Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
Early modern literature and culture, emphasis on the relationship between literature, politics, and philosophy in the seventeenth century
Associate Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
Francophone cultures in Africa and North America; media (literature, cinema, telephone, radio, internet) and cultural studies (popular cultures, reception)
Associate Professor, French and Italian
Adjunct Associate Professor, History
Adjunct Associate Professor, The Media School
Research Interests
20th-century French cultural history; film studies; cinema, society, and politics during the Popular Front and Vichy; literature and ideology
Director of Graduate Studies Fr/Francophone Studies
Associate Professor, French and Italian
Adjunct Associate Professor, Theatre, Drama and Contemporary Dance
Research Interests
Early modern French drama (theater, opera, ballet, festivals); Intellectual and cultural history of the French Renaissance; relationship between music and literature
Director of Language lnstruction, French
Lecturer, French and Italian
Provost Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
Poetry, narrative, theatre, Romanticism and Modernism, migration issues, media and popular culture
Professor, French and Italian
Professor, Second Language Studies
Chair, Second Language Studies
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Adjunct Professor, Germanic Studies
Research Interests
Development of interpretive knowledge: phrasal semantics, lexical semantics and grammatically computed pragmatic inferences; sentence processing: information integration in L2 processing
Assistant Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
Medieval French and Occitan literature, particularly lyric and romance; medieval manuscripts and the history of the book; and the reception of the Middle Ages
Interim Director of Graduate Studies Fr Linguistics (FA24)
Assistant Professor, French and Italian
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Research Interests
Language variation and change, with a greater focus on the phonetics and phonology of Laurentian French (also called Canadian French, Quebec French, or Québécois)
Professor, French and Italian
Adjunct Professor, Comparative Literature
Research Interests
Renaissance literature; humanism; rhetoric
Director of the Center of Excellence of the French Embassy at IU
Ruth N. Halls Professor of French and Francophone Studies, French and Italian
Adjunct Faculty, Comparative Literature
Affiliate Faculty, African Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Affiliate Faculty, European Studies
Research Interests
Literary history; theory and aesthetics; French and francophone fiction; contemporary studies; writing and politics
Assistant Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
Relationship between literature and economics; Medieval Italian literature, especially in connection to Romance literatures; Dante studies, medieval lyric, and medieval and early modern chivalric literature; Periodization, especially the definition of Middle Ages and Modernity
Director of Graduate Studies in French Linguistics
Professor, French and Italian
Adjunct Professor, Linguistics
Adjunct Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Research Interests
Language contact (Louisiana French, Welsh, Breton); lexicology and lexicography; pidgins and creoles; endangered languages
Professor, French and Italian
Associate Vice Provost
Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
Research Interests
Italian cinema; gender studies; Italian curriculum development; teaching foreign language through theater
Director of Graduate Studies, Italian
Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
Renaissance and early modern literature and culture, with emphases on humanism, epic, comedy, macaronic and pastoral
Director of Language Instruction, Italian
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Italian
Teaching Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
Second language acquisition, teaching culture in foreign language classroom, online and hybrid learning/teaching models
Professor, French and Italian
Research Interests
19th-century French literature; relationship between painting and literature; poetry; history of the book; clandestine literature;
Associate Professor, French and Italian
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Director of Undergraduate Studies, French
Research Interests
French linguistics; syntax; history of French (including Occitan)