Putting together the funding for your graduate student career requires investigating many opportunities for fellowships, travel grants, and awards. You may also need to find employment as a Student Academic Appointee (AI, RA, or GA) outside the Department.
Financial Support
Financial support opportunities
To apply for and receive any scholarships or fellowships at IU, students must first complete their General Application (GA) in the IU Scholarships system. Note: One of the required questions is whether you have or will file a FAFSA for the coming year. Since some funding opportunities require students to demonstrate financial need, you should file the FAFSA to ensure the greatest access to funding. If you are an international student, please select “no.” There will be no repercussions as an international student for not filing the FAFSA.
Once this is complete, IU Scholarships will send emails about specific opportunities for which you are eligible that you can apply to that require additional materials or information. You can also view these in a list under “Other Recommended Opportunities” in IU Scholarships.
Step-by-step instructions to complete the General Application and view recommended opportunities