Circolo Italiano meets regularly and is open to all, students and community members alike, who want to interact in a friendly environment in order to improve their Italian language skills. In addition to screening Italian films (with English subtitles), Circolo offers the opportunity to converse with many native speakers and other students of Italian. Students at all levels are welcome to join the friendly and low-key conversation hour. Additionally, we invite beginners to attend a monthly conversation hour that specifically targets their needs. Our director of language instruction in Italian, Karolina Serafin, serves as faculty director, assisted by graduate student Lucia Casiraghi.
Italian Club
Conversation Club
Would you like to practice Italian in a stress-free, friendly environment? Join our informal Conversation Club and improve your skills! Currently conducted via Zoom every Monday from 3:00 to 4:00pm.
With four in-person sessions on Jan 29th, Feb 19th, March 4th, & April 22nd (French and Italian department, GISB, room 3134)
Cultural Events
Our cultural events are planned to be held in person in Spring 2024, on the following dates:
January 25th: TOMBOLA PER L’AMBIENTE (Italian Lottery for the Environment),
WH 120, 4pm - 5pm
February 15th: VENETO SLOW TOUR with Patrizio Roversi, Sheean Hanlan, and Regione Veneto, GISB 1060, 3pm-4pm
March 28th: ITALIAN PROGRAM TALENT SHOW, WH 101, 7pm-9pm
April 18th: FESTA DI PRIMAVERA (Spring Festival), GISB Atrium, 4pm-5pm