Ph.D. Defenses

Ph.D. defenses in French Linguistics

Charlène Gilbert
Referential Computations and Wh-Movement in Native and Non-native Processing of French: Evidence from Reading Times (defense on August 2, 2024) 

Scott Evans
Postverbal Nominal Subjects and Verb-Second in Middle French: Syntax and Information Structure (defended July 2024)

Ludovic Mompelat
To Infinitive and Beyond, or Revisiting Finiteness in Creoles: A Contrastive Study of the Complementation Systems of Martinican and Haitian Creoles (defended November 2023)

Martin Maillot
On Sociolinguistic Variables in Curated Speech: A Study of Stylistic Variation of Liaison, Schwa and Ne among Contemporary French Politicians
(defended January 2022)

Laura Demsey
"Contact, Shift, and Structural Change in Franco-American New England" (defended December 2021)

Renata Uzzell
"English borrowings in Montréal and Saguenay: A sociolinguistic approach to their phonological (non-)adaptation" (defended March 2021)

Alisha Reaves
"Discourse Markers in Second-Language French" (defended August 2020)

Kelly Kasper-Cushman
Mapping the functional distribution of human impersonal uses of on, ça, and ils in French” (defended July 2020)

Mark Black
Interlocutor Effects on Sociolinguistic Variation in L2 French” (defended July 2020)

Carly Bahler
Irrealis Mood in a Declining Dialect: The Case of French in Maine’s Saint John Valley” (defended August 2019)

Sarah-Kay Hurst
The Croissant-Bacon Phenomenon: Prototypical vocabulary and cross-cultural implications for the selection of lexical items in pedagogical resources” (defended May 2018)

Jamie Root
Des fois ça dit des mots en anglais et en français mêlés: On the Variable Morphosyntactic Integrations of English-Origin Lexical Verbs in Louisiana French” (defended April 2018)

Francisco Montaño
An Optimality-Theoretic Split-Margin Analysis of the Evolution of Consonant Clusters in Historical French Phonology” (defended December 2017)

Rodica Frimu
Non-linguistic Cognitive Dimensions of Subject-verb Agreement Error Detection in (L2) French” (defended 2017)

Miguel Angel Marquez Martinez
The Acquisition of French Nasal Vowels: From L1 Allophony to L2 Phonology” (defended 2016)

Jennifer Betters
Immersion Education in an Endangered Language: A Linguistic Study of the Oral Production of French Immersion Students in Louisiana” (defended 2016)

Kelly Farmer
Sociopragmatic Variation in Yes/No and WH-Interrogatives in Hexagonal French: A Real-Time Study of French Films from 1930-2009.” (defended 2015)

Olga Scrivner
A Probabilistic Approach in Historical Linguistics—Word Order Change in Infinitival Clauses: from Latin to Old French” (defended 2015)

B. Devan Steiner
The Evolution of Information Structure and Verb Second in the History of French” (defended 2014)

Krista Williams
The Lexicographic Treatment of Color Terms” (defended 2014)

Michael Dow
Contrast and Markedness Among Nasal(ized) Vowels: A Phonetic-Phonological Study of French and Vimeu Picard” (defended 2014)

Ryan Hendrickson
The Liquid Consonants in Picard” (defended 2014)

Kelly Biers
Gender and Interlocutor Effects in French” (defended 2014)

Jason Siegel
Nou oblije pale mo-to: Code-switching between Haitian and Guianese French Creoles and their lexifier in French Guiana” (defended 2013)

Amandine Lorente-Lapole
Language Design in the Processing of Relative Clauses in French as a Second Language” (defended 2012)

Eric Halicki
Phonology and the Prosodic Hierarchy in Picard.” (defended 2011)

Kate Miller
Processing wh-Dependencies in L2 French: Considerations of Computational Complexity and Ease of Lexical Access.” (defended 2011)

Anne-José Villeneuve
A Sociolinguistic Study of Vimeu French.” (defended 2011)

Amanda Edmonds
On the representation of conventional expressions in L1-English L2-French acquisition.” (defended 2010)

Claire Renaud
On the Nature of Agreement in English-French Acquisition: A Processing Investigation in the Verbal and Nominal Domains.” (defended 2010)

Shannon Halicki
Learner Knowledge of Target Phonotactics: Judgments of French Word Transformations.” (defended 2009)