Spring Italian Courses

Spring 2024 Italian courses


FRIT-M 600
Th 11:30a-1:30p

This graduate-level course provides an overview of important movements and directors from World War II to our current era, with emphases on representations of gender, class, race, and regional realities, as well as the sociopolitical contexts portrayed on screen or in which the chosen works were filmed.  

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FRIT-M 825
W 4:00p-6:00p

In this class we will examine different authors and genres, from earlier to more recent times (from Dante to Leopardi; from D'annunzio to Saba and Ungaretti and post-WWII poetry; from Iacopone's Laude to Pirandello's dramas; from Michelangelo's carved stone to the Arte povera, etc.) reflecting on the thin line that divides innovation from tradition.

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