Introduction to French Linguistics

FRIT-F402 — Fall 2024

Jeffrey Lamontagne
GA 0009
Days and Times
TuTh 11:30A-12:45P
Course Description

Prerequisite: F313, F314 or consent of instructor

An introduction to the French language from the point of view of descriptive linguistics. Students discover the hidden structure underlying everyday speech: how speech sounds are produced and combined (phonology), how words are built from smaller meaningful pieces (morphology), and how those words combine into sentences (syntax). Through this course, students gain a better understanding of the French language -- and of human language more broadly -- by transcribing pronunciations, by uncovering how pronunciations predictably vary, by deducing how pieces of words sequentially combine to create new words, and by revealing the structure of sentences and the relationships between words in those sentences. 

This course is taught in French.

FRIT-F 402   #30873       11:30A-12:45P        TuTh     GA 0009      Prof. Jeffrey Lamontagne

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