- Location
- Multiple
- Days and Times
- Multiple
- Course Description
Prerequisite: FRIT-F 250 or FRIT-F 265 or appropriate placement test score
French F315 introduces students to the French sound system, enabling them to hone their pronunciation skills through guided practice as well as training in the linguistic concepts behind French sounds and intonation. The course has three main objectives:
(1) To discover the nature of sounds (phonetics) and sound systems (phonology), including how they differ between dialects of French, how they've changed in the recent past, and how they adapt to different speech styles;
(2) To improve students’ pronunciation accuracy and oral fluency through a combination of hearing practice, articulatory training, and acoustic analysis;
(3) To develop students’ communicative skills in comprehension (listening practice) and production (conversational practice, written assignments).This course is designed to help understand the nuances of French pronunciation and to teach practical skills that will help further refine students' abilities and help them teach others.
Students choose one of two drill sections and attend drill plus lecture. The course meets four times weekly: two lectures with the professor, and two practice sessions with an associate instructor. All components of the course are taught in French.
FRIT-F 315 #1887 10:20A-11:10A TuTh FA 015 Prof. Jeffrey Lamontagne
FRIT-F 315 #1889 10:20A-11:10A MW WH 110 Jane Gilbert
FRIT-F 315 #30876 11:30A-12:20P MW GY 1042 Jane Gilbert
The Sounds and Rhythms Of French