- Location
- Multiple
- Days and Times
- Multiple
- Course Description
Prerequisite: F100 or appropriate placement exam score
Basic structures of the French language and selected topics of French civilization and culture. Credit given for only one of F115, F150, or F491.
FRIT-F 150 1863 11:30A-12:20 P MWF BH 240 Staff
F150 1864 9:10A-10:00A MWF BH 214 Staff
F150 1865 12:40P-1:30P MWF LH 120 Staff
F150 1866 3:00P-3:50P MWF GA 0009 Staff
F150 1867 10:20A-11:10A MWF BH 244 Staff
F150 1868 6:30P-8:00P TuTh BH 015 Staff
F150 1869 1:50P-2:40P MWF BH 312 Staff
F150 1870 11:30A-12:45P Th WB WEB Staff
F150 1871 1:50P-2:40 MWF BH 141 Staff
F150 10822 6:30P-7:45P Th WB WEB Staff
Elementary French II: Language and Culture