- Location
- Multiple
- Days and Times
- Multiple
- Course Description
Fulfills GenEd World Languages requirement
Introduction to French language and selected aspects of French civilization and culture. Credit given for only one of F100, F115, or F491.
FRIT-F 100 1851 12:40P-1:30P MWF GA 0009 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1852 6:30P-8:00P TuTh GA 0009 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1853 11:30A-12:20P MWF GA 0009 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1854 9:10A-10:00A MWF GA 0009 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1855 11:30A-12:20P MWF ED 1210 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1856 1:50P-2:40P MWF WH 104 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1857 3:00P-3:50P MWF BH 012 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1859 10:20A-1:30P MWF GA 0009 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1860 12:40P-1:30P MWF BH 204 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1861 1:50P-2:40P MWF GA 0009 Staff
FRIT-F 100 1858 9:45A-11:00A Tu WB WEB Staff
FRIT-F 100 10816 6:30P-7:45P Tu WB WEB Staff
Elementary French I