
Dialogues littéraires et culturels

Oana Panaïté
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An anthology of francophone literature for advanced students of French which pairs classical texts with more modern or contemporary texts to reveal how the approach to certain themes or issues, as well as literary styles, have changed or remained the same. Several Department of French and Italian alumni and faculty members contributed to the textbook, including Florin Beschea (Ph.D. ’13), Olga Amarie (Ph.D. ’11), Eric MacPhail, Eileen Julien, Hall Bjørnstad, Audrey Dobrenn (Ph.D. ’13), Flavien Falantin (Ph.D. ’17), and Margaret Gray.


Entre-Textes. Dialogues littéraires et culturels. Classroom anthology based on a dialogical study of classical and contemporary texts. (co-edited with Vera Klekovkina, University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point). London: Routledge, 2017.