- Course Description
Prerequisite: FRIT-M 110 or FRIT-M 115 or FRIT-M 150
Building on Elementary Italian I and II, students further study and practice fundamental concepts and structures in Italian grammar. Through a variety of assignments and activities, they strengthen proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing, cultural analysis and understanding. Includes an introduction to brief literary texts. Credit given for only one of M200 or M215
FRIT-M 200 (3) #4326 MWF 1:55 P- 2:45 P STAFF
FRIT-M 200 (3) #9116 Tu 9:35 A- 10:50 A WB WEB STAFF
FRIT-M 200 (3) #10139 Tu 7:05 P- 8:20 P WB WEB STAFFFor more information on online classes, please see our Online Courses page.
Intermediate Italian I (3 CR)