- Course Description
Prerequisite: F100 or appropriate placement exam score
Fulfills GenEd World Languages requirement
Basic structures of the French language and selected topics of French civilization and culture. Credit given for only one of F115, F150, or F491.
FRIT-F 150 (4) #2054 MWF 9:10 A- 10:00 A STAFF
FRIT-F 150 (4) #2055 MWF 10:25 A- 11:15 A STAFF
FRIT-F 150 (4) #2056 MWF 11:35 A- 12:25 P STAFF
FRIT-F 150 (4) #2058 MWF 1:55 P- 2:45 P STAFF
FRIT-F 150 (4) #2057 Th 11:10 A- 12:25 P WB WEB STAFF
FRIT-F 150 (4) #2059 MWF 12:45 P- 1:35 P STAFF
FRIT-F 150 (4) #2060 MW 6:40 P- 8:10 P STAFF
FRIT-F 150 (4) #10082 Th 7:05 P- 8:20 P WB WEB STAFFMore information on online classes, please see our Online Courses page.
Elementary French II: Language and Culture (4 CR)