- Course Description
Fulfills GenEd World Languages requirement
Introduction to French language and selected aspects of French civilization and culture. Credit given for only one of F100, F115, or F491.
FRIT-F 100 (4) #2049 MWF 11:35 A- 12:25 P STAFF
FRIT-F 100 (4) #2050 MWF 12:45 P- 1:35 P STAFF
FRIT-F 100 (4) #2051 MWF 1:55 P- 2:45 P STAFF
FRIT-F 100 (4) #2052 MWF 10:25 A- 11:15 A STAFF
FRIT-F 100 (4) #2053 MWF 6:40 P- 8:10 P STAFF
FRIT-F 100 (4) #10080 Tu 11:40 A- 12:25 P WB WEB STAFF
FRIT-F 100 (4) #10081 Tu 7:05 P- 8:20 P WB WEB STAFFMore information on online classes, please see our Online Courses page.
Elementary French I (4 CR)