Mario and Katrina Vangeli Undergraduate Awards

Mario and Katrina Vangeli Undergraduate Awards (Italian)

The Vangeli Awards were established by Professor Edoardo Lèbano and his wife, Mary Vangeli Lèbano, in 1989 to honor the memory of Captain Mario G. Vangeli of the U.S. Navy, Mary’s father. He was a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis and later attended MIT where he earned a Masters Degree in Naval Architecture. After a distinguished Navy career including service in WWII, he became European President of Raytheon International. As of 2003, the awards also honor the memory of his wife, Katrina Vangeli.

Award recipients

  • 2020 - Giorgio Losi
  • 2019 - Deanna Cinquemani
  • 2018 - Cari Rice
  • 2017 - Gabriella Di Palma
  • 2016 - Hannah Henderson
  • 2015 - Adam Leep
  • 2013 - Mary Katherine Vaughn
  • 2012 - Rena Kingery
  • 2011 - Robert Bradley Smith
  • 2010 - Stephen Hiller