Covid did not stop twenty-three intrepid students from venturing abroad to Aix-en-Provence with Resident Director Kelly Sax this spring semester. Showing the required pass sanitaire (in the form of a QR code on one’s phone) to enter restaurants, theaters, museums and cinemas became part of daily life which in other ways felt close to normal compared to the US. Still, outside of regular classes, outdoor activities were privileged this year. These included a guided tour of Aix’s sumptuous hôtels particuliers, pétanque lessons with a local pro, a hike along the Côte Bleue, a tour of the well-preserved Gallo-Roman site Glanum, and a beautiful sunset behind the famous Pont du Gard roman aqueduct. Students in Sax’s “La Provence à Travers le Cinéma” class visited the Centre de Documentation Historique sur l’Algérie where they spoke with local pieds noirs about their memories of life in Algeria and subsequent flight to France when Algerian independence was declared in 1962. An exceptionally warm spring allowed for a delicious and fun indoor cheese tasting towards the end of the semester, doors and windows wide open. In retrospect, in what way did Covid most impact the study abroad experience? Probably most noticeably in the way in which students were exceptionally hungry for exploration, adventure, and making up for lost time after two years of pandemic restrictions.
Report from Aix-en-Provence