Anne-Marie Lucchese is a Ph.D. student in Italian Studies who intends to minor in French Linguistics. She has been teaching French since 2010 and Italian since 2012 to children and adults. Over the last several years, she has been teaching ESL to adult immigrants and refugees. She has studied abroad in Paris and worked in Montpellier and Paris, France with various exchange programs, and she interned at the Embassy of France in Washington, DC. Additionally, she was a Group Study Exchange participant in France with Rotary International. For eight years, she managed the L’Alliance Française chapter in Louisville, KY, and for ten years, she was a foreign language (Italian & French) editor for ProQuest. In addition, she has studied at four Italian language schools in these cities in Italy: Milan; Verona; Taormina; and Turin. More recently, she was the recipient of the Palmina & Roberto Mignone Fellowship in Italian & Italian-American Studies at Stony Brook University in New York where she taught first and second semester Italian courses and worked at The Center for Italian Studies on campus. Her research interests include Italian-American studies, world language pedagogy, second language acquisition, phonetics/phonology, and oral history.

Anne-Marie Lucchese
Ph.D. Student, Italian Studies