French Literature of the Middle Ages

FRIT F410 — Spring 2019

Elizabeth Hebbard
Global and International Studies Building 0011
Days and Times
TR, 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Course Description

Prerequisite: F305, F306, or F375 plus one other civilization or literature class above F300, or permission of the director of undergraduate studies.

What is a text? What is a book? What is an author? How have these notions changed since the twelfth century and how do they influence the ways we read? While exploring the origins and development of the medieval legend of King Arthur, this course asks such questions about the nature of medieval French literature. The “Matter of Britain” will guide us in medieval approaches to the interplay between myth and history and provide a space for debate about its elements. We will travel through Arthur’s court, meet its cast of characters, survey its geographical expanse, and analyze themes of knighthood, chivalry, courtly love, nobility, queenship and kingship, and social obligation. Readings will include Chrétien de Troyes’ Le chevalier au lion; Heldris de Cornouailles’s Le Roman de Silence; Béroul’s Tristan; selections from Marie de France’s Lais; and the bawdy fabliaux.

Readings will be in Old French but always accompanied by modern French translations. Students will learn the basics of Old French grammar and pronunciation. Grades will be based on student preparation and active participation in class; an oral presentation; short reading responses; a midterm exam; and a final paper. This course is conducted entirely in French.

Class number: 30460

3 credits

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The full details of this course are available on the Office of the Registrar website.

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